CFPB must act now on Omicron: we need N95s, free tests, and truly MAXIMUM telework

In light of the current significant public health risks of the uncontrolled spread of the Omicron variant, on Tuesday, January 4th, NTEU 335's Health and Safety Committee shared the following proposal with CFPB's Labor Relations and COVID-19 Response Team:

Omicron is the fastest-spreading virus ever known.  Public health experts warn there is a very high risk of indoor transmission right now. For example, this tool indicates a very high risk of catching COVID-19 when indoors with 20 other people in a large room for 8 hours.

NTEU 335's Recommendation Additional Precautions for Omicron:

  • Require contractors to work from home again. The Capitol has updated its guidance to reflect the incredibly high risk of transmission indoors right now (link1, link2) which includes a maximum telework posture.
  • Send at-home test kits to employees, as Google has done since April.
    • Public health experts advised White House: “As the pandemic moves towards a more endemic disease, rapid testing will continue to be critical.” They recommended that the vaccinated should test every week or once a month; unvaccinated should test 4-8 times a month; everyone should test before and after events and travel. 
  • Send N-95s to employees, and provide these in offices instead of surgical masks. Update office mask requirement to require N95 or surgical masks, and not cloth-only masks.
  • Closing the fitness center (is still open, but masks are required). Gyms are higher risk due to the increased aerosols breathed into the air during exercise. Ontario is closing indoor gyms.
  • Communications: Encourage employees to work from home during months of January and February, when transmission is expected to peak. Provide information about the unique high transmissibility of the Omicron variant, and reminder that the virus is most often spread by people without symptoms. Remind everyone including contractors of the guidelines. Recommend N95s, at-home rapid tests, and treat anyone with symptoms or who has been exposed as if they have COVID-19. Remind people of COVID-19 Admin Leave and the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program.

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