Emergency Action Alert: Director Chopra moves forward with aggressive, dangerous return-to-office plans without employees’ consent


Today we invited CFPB Union members to witness our monthly meeting between the Union Executive Board and CFPB executives in the Office of the Director. Thank you to everyone who was able to join us today. We believe it is important to honor Management’s commitment to transparency by inviting silent observers to witness how decisions that drastically affect your work-life are made.

Unfortunately, Management insists on operating behind closed doors and using captive audience meetings to allow information to only flow in one direction. They left today's meeting after only 10 minutes and refused to answer our questions in front of employees, or to commit to a follow-up meeting with employees present and listening. We will continue standing together to make our voices heard, even if it makes management uncomfortable.

If you haven’t already, here’s what you can do to help:

  • Email Management and let them know that a safe & employee-approved return to in-person work is required, now. They know that they are violating your right to have a say in your working conditions, whether you’re in need of permanent remote work to keep you and your family safe from COVID-19, or are ready for voluntary travel. And that clashes with the public image they’re trying to convey. If a return to office is so important to them, management must agree that no one will be forced involuntarily to work in-person in a pandemic until the employees have a say at the bargaining table. Let them know you are paying attention to their aggressive, anti-worker actions!

Send a message to Zixta Martinez and Jan Singelmann


Employee safety & our right to have a say at work


[email protected][email protected]


[email protected]

Deputy Director Martinez and Chief of Staff Singelmann,

Is it true the Bureau is moving forward with plans to ignore the Union’s proposals and force employees to return to in-person work after May 22nd? If so, why aren't you working with our Union bargaining teams to work this out in a collaborative way that respects employees' input and safety needs?

More generally, employees are seeing a pattern of stonewalling and dismissing union proposals and employee concerns across all communication channels. What is the end goal for Director Chopra in treating us this way? How does that help him accomplish his agenda?

Employees want you to agree in writing that we won't be forced back to in person work before it's safe and before we get a permanent remote work union agreement. The Bureau’s threats to refuse this and force people back with no protections and no union contract during a pandemic undermine the pro-union, pro-equity image that the Director and this administration’s labor policies wish to convey.

Thank you,


Together we can make sure Management hears us and that your right to have a say at work will not be ignored.

In Solidarity,

Cat Farman
Chapter President
CFPB Union NTEU 335

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